PropTech Insights

Low Voltage Cabling Can Make Or Break Your Building

Written by Blair McCuiston | October 12, 2023 at 6:08 PM

A well-designed, properly implemented low voltage infrastructure can add significant value to your building. On the other hand, a short sighted design or hasty implementation can be a thorn in your side for years to come.

When building developers use flawed infrastructure designs, or implement them improperly, it can create roadblocks that seriously impact their technology capabilities—and it isn’t an easy fix. A poor low voltage cabling job lowers the ceiling of technology you can support, literally sealing the fate of your building’s capabilities behind the walls. Technology is constantly evolving, making future-proof scalability crucial to avoid premature obsolescence.

Your low voltage system should enable technology solutions that attract residents, streamline building operations, and create market differentiation—both now and in the long run. 

What is low voltage cabling?

Low voltage cabling infrastructures are like the neural pathways of a building’s technology system, moving data from place to place to support an array of telecommunications services, building operations, and security. 

While high voltage cabling provides electricity to power outlets, fixtures, and switches, the low voltage cabling system is the foundation of a building’s operations. It's responsible for powering systems such as:

Telecommunications Services: Internet and phone systems that power bandwidth-hungry applications for residents and staff, including property wide connectivity and TV services.

Energy Management: Sensors and monitoring systems that track temperature and energy usage to ensure efficiency and lower costs. 

IoT: Command and control of the growing Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem, including turnkey “smart” apartments and environments. 

Security and Surveillance: CCTV cameras, access control systems, and alarms to enhance building security.

Building Automation: Control systems for lighting, HVAC, door locks, and other building functions.

Why is the design of your low voltage cabling so important?

The low voltage system in a building sets the boundaries of its technology capabilities, which is directly correlated to the speed, security, and reliability of your business operations. An experienced provider will design an infrastructure that meets your specific business needs, optimizing for efficiency and ease of maintenance.

A well designed low voltage infrastructure will also support future technology upgrades, so you won't need to “rip and replace” to scale—and a full service provider can manage those upgrades for you. 

Simply put, investing in a thoughtful design is necessary to ensure a continuously reliable and future-proofed asset that won’t cause you headaches down the road.

What are the risks of a bad low voltage cabling job?

While electricians are essential for traditional electrical work, an effective low voltage cabling installation requires a specialized skill set and knowledge base from an experienced technology provider. 

For many developers, low voltage infrastructure is an afterthought to their electrical systems, with implementation often falling under a traditional electrician’s scope of work. This generally results in a low quality product, presenting a wide range of issues such as slow connection speeds, data loss, and network downtime. This can be a costly issue, and it limits the technology you'll be able to support. A bad cabling job can even pose a security risk to your business operations.

If you've already experienced issues with a bad low voltage cabling job, the cost of fixing it can be substantial. You may need to replace the entire cabling system, which can be very expensive and time-consuming. You may also need to deal with lost productivity and resident dissatisfaction due to network downtime and slow connection speeds. Ultimately, the best way to avoid these costs is to invest in a high-quality low voltage cabling system from the beginning.

Failing to do so means that sooner or later, you’ll lose competitive advantage in the market because you’ll lack the ability to implement new technologies.

What are the benefits of a well designed system?

Dual Path ensures the reliability, performance, and future proofing of your cabling infrastructure. A well designed system not only protects you from problems down the road, but also provides several long term benefits:

Specialized Knowledge: Our team has the experience needed to optimize cable routes, reduce interference, and prevent signal degradation, which is outside the realm of knowledge for those not specialized in low voltage cabling. As a full service provider, we also operate building systems, which gives us a holistic view of a building’s needs for a more cohesive approach to low voltage design and implementation.

Network Integration and Optimization: Low voltage cabling requires precise planning and installation to ensure optimal performance and reliability. A well designed system will seamlessly integrate all your technologies to ensure everything works together efficiently.

Customization: We design systems that match your unique requirements. Our team will tailor the design to your specific needs, from your data center and high-speed Internet to your security system and building automation.

Up-to-Date Technology: Staying current with the latest technology advancements will ensure your infrastructure meets modern resident expectations and can support future upgrades and changes.

Troubleshooting and Maintenance: In the event of issues or maintenance needs, our team is equipped to diagnose and address problems quickly. We offer ongoing support and maintenance contracts to keep your systems running smoothly.

Cost-Efficiency: Using an expert team is cost-effective in the long run, preventing expensive mistakes and downtime associated with improper installations.

It Starts Now

Design happens long before construction begins, and it’s a critical part of your property’s success. Don’t let an inexperienced installer box you into outdated technology down the road.

Invest in a high-quality low voltage cabling system from the start—it’s the most effective way to ensure a reliable, efficient network for years to come. Connect with us to learn more about how Dual Path can customize a solution to fit your specific needs.